Little Lies and Massive Dreams

My name is Bear. I play in a band called Talking About Commas and live and work in Providence, RI. I like music.
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Aug 25, 2011

With a hurricance coming to the east coast how about some Typhoon?

This band is so good I can't stand it. I caught Typhoon a couple weeks ago at the Newport Folk Fest and have been devouring everything i can find on them since - youtube videos, NPR concert downloads and their latest releases on Spotify. You may think that 13 people is too much - even Letterman cracked that joke (Watch them on the Late Show here) - but the cacophony of drums, guitars, strings, horns and vocals works so well with Kyle Morton's songs it's unfair. The Portland Oregon collective may still have day jobs and probably can't sustain a grueling tour schedule with so many people so hopefully they'll blow up and sell a million records and be out on the road again soon. But until then catch them when you can, it's really worth it.

Typhoon | A Take Away Show from La Blogotheque on Vimeo.