Little Lies and Massive Dreams

My name is Bear. I play in a band called Talking About Commas and live and work in Providence, RI. I like music.
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Feb 15, 2010

Big Light: "Animals in Bloom" due March 2nd

Ok, so I kinda know some of the guys in the band and actually grew up about a half mile from frontman and fellow White Thighs, Fred Torphy. But if I didnt i would still spread the word of Big Light. The San Fransisco based quartet is about to release their first full length album on reapandsow.

A couple songs have made their way on to the internet so I thought i would pass 'em along. "Monster" has been kicking around the WHite Thighs repertoire for atleast 3 years now and has been given a makeover by Big Light. Gone is the slow vampy intro, the horn lines, the drawn out middle section and in are some new vocal lines and shot in the arm. The song is now a 3 minute, radio ready, indie rock gem. The second song, "Triceratops" can be found on the band's myspace page. A little more abrasive but a lot more creative. It's just dirty. You'll see what I mean.

The full album Animals in Bloom, check out the trailer below, is due in a couple weeks and the band can be seen playing a hand ful of gigs around Northern California, New York and Austin in the coming months. So check em out if you live around those cities.


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