Have a Beer with Brad Barr: Solo show at Matt Murphy's Pub
Sometimes the best things in life are free. Recently in Brookline, MA, I was lucky enough to have one of those nights. Brad Barr (of the SLIP) played a free solo show for mostly friends and bar patrons at one of his favorite watering holes, Matt Murphy’s Pub. I assume he likes it, both the Slip and Surprise Me Mr. Davis have played unannounced warmup gigs there before.
The night started late (as usual) with Brad hitting the “stage” at almost midnight. At that point the bar was packed and the chatty crowd combined with Brad sitting in a chair (thus being hidden from all except those in the first row or two) created the atmosphere of just hanging out with friends and catching audio pieces of some guy in the corner playing some guitar. Except that guy is fucking Brad Barr!
After the first set the crowd thinned a little and my friends left so I was able to get up close and not converse with anyone, perfect show conditions. There was Brad , surrounded by a ring of glow lights playing music for his friends, as if we were in someone’s livingroom. He reeled through Slip songs and solo instrumental pieces alike, breaking out the whole arsenal from the eardrum piercing distortion on “Broke the Promised Land” to the beautiful lullaby “Suffocation Keep”. His only cover of the night (if you don’t count the slew of Nathan Moore songs) came with a half time, effects laiden, gentle waves of guitar loops in the reverb sea take on Bob Dylan’s “Boots of Spanish Leather” which absolutely took my breathe away. Its been said many times that the Slip’s success is (unfortunately) hinged upon the lack of strong singer. I won’t argue with the fact that Brad may not be the best singer, but man, he has a great natural voice.
1: Beggar in the Morning,?, Before You Were Born, Deacon's Son, Sarah Through the Wall, Yea Yeahy, Ooh Belle, ?
2: Nowhere From Here to Go, Broke the Promised Land, Toy keyboard intro* > Let There Be Horses, Instrumental?, Suffocation Keep, Boots of Spanish Leather**, The Woods
* Brad had a toy keyboard with a drumbeat that he looped, it did not continue into "horses.." ** Bob Dylan cover.
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